FLUKE - Fluke TiS Thermal Imaging Scanner

See the features of the new Fluke TiS Thermal Imaging Scanner

Videa výrobce

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Electrical tester Fluke T5-1000

Introduction of voltage, continuity and current tester Fluke T5 in practice.

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

5 Fluke clamp meters and testers for general use

Check out 5 FLUKE digital clamp meters suitable for commercial and residential use: Fluke 324, Fluke 365, Fluke 902FC, Fluke 375FC and Fluke 368FC.

Meet the new TiS Performance Series

Meet the new TiS Performance Series

Introducing 8 new IR cameras with up to 2.5x the resolution to quickly assess equipment health. To learn more, go to www.fluke.com/TiS to download the product guide.



Fluke connect

Fluke connect

Unique family of wirelessly connectable measuring devices offering user friendliness and high security.

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