As an engineering company and service provider, IMST is one of the world’s leading design houses for high-frequency circuits, wireless modules and communication systems.

Hersteller Videos

WiMOD LR_Studio (LoRa) - Introduction

WiMOD LR_Studio (LoRa) - Introduction

The WiMOD LR Studio is a Windows application which allows to explore the capabilities of the IMST LoRa module, an ultra-low-power, high-performance, pre-certified Long Range radio module. The Windows GUI offers a comfortable way to configure and control the features of the embedded WiMOD Radio Stack.

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway

Registering a LoRa Lite Gateway (LGW) into the Things Network server in 5min

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