Our offer according to the application: Automation and Embedded Systems

Automation and Embedded Systems
Today, embedded systems can run sophisticated software for machine control in production, visualisation of the production process, control of autonomous vehicles for material transport as well as control of the operation of the beverage machine, the possibilities are limitless.

Articles related to the application

Five Useful Wiha Pliers for Every Workshop

Five Useful Wiha Pliers for Every Workshop

We have expanded our product portfolio by additional new types of combination and installation pliers by Wiha. These are highly efficient and durable insulated pliers that are tested at 10 kV AC, with a safe non-slip grip. Which ones would suit you?

The doors have opened, welcome to the exhibition

The doors have opened, welcome to the exhibition

After a long time without any personal visits, exhibitions, and conferences, we can now finally enjoy many events, public discussions, and planned visits.

A Brief Overview of AAEON Solutions for AI@Edge

A Brief Overview of AAEON Solutions for AI@Edge

We have summarized the key features of three series of embedded systems along with the product comparison. (2-minutes reading)

Our products offer (grouped by category)

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Our products offer (grouped by manufacturer)

Intel Based Single Board Computers, panel PC, box PC and Rugged Tablets
Industrial Data Storage Devices - SSD, UDM, SD and CF Cards
Intel based single board computers, panel PC and box PC
Compact PICO-iMX6, iMX6UL and iMX7 SoM (System-on-Module), Carrier Boards, ARM and X86-based Industrial PC and Panel Computers
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Topics (keywords) related to the application

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