Bipolar Transistors - HF
Choose from our offer of 2 VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS products in the Bipolar Transistors - HF category. We deliver part of the products from this manufacturer directly from our warehouse, and the rest is delivered in short lead times upon order. We guarantee their quality and origin.
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Transistor NPN 30mA/15V 0,3W SOT37
Ord. No. 13929

Low-Power NPN TO50 0,3 W 20 V 15 V SMD 5 000 MHz 50 0,03 A 15 V - BFR90 -
No longer available
Transistor NPN 35mA/12V 0,3W SOT37
Ord. No. 13930

Low-Power NPN TO50 0,3 W 20 V 12 V SMD 6 000 MHz 90 0,05 A 12 V - BFR91 -
No longer available
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