TSS COMPANY embraces the global industry standard for UHF RFID, called UHF Gen 2, which we extend through our leadership in the standard – setting process and enhance with our proprietary technologies and deep domain expertise. TSS COMPANY is official partner of Texas Instruments and NXP Semiconductors in the UHF RFID field.
Why choose SOS electronic?
  • We are an authorized distributor of TSS COMPANY products with representation in 6 European countries.
  • We sell components with a guaranty of a reliable source.
  • We offer technical support
  • We have high packaging standards for industrial customers.
  • We offer wholesale discounts and individual prices.
  • Guarantee is satisfied customers from over 100 countries of the world and our 29 years of experience.
TSS COMPANY products in our offer
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TSS COMPANY´s software and hardware solutions can simply help you to identify, locate and authenticate items, all of this is possible thanks to reliability, speed and comfortable use.
Did you know?
TSS COMPANY s.r.o. is a Slovak company that develops and manufactures UHF RFID solutions since 2011. In 2014 TSS COMPANY won a prestigious price of "Business Idea of the Year".
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TSS COMPANY manufacturer’s articles
Practical UHF RFID reader with Bluetooth and long battery life

Practical UHF RFID reader with Bluetooth and long battery life

TSS Company has developed its own and reliable solution for RFID applications. The HUR120BT UHF wireless RFID reader quickly and easily identifies, locates, and verifies items even in industrial conditions. (2 min. of reading)



The number of UHF RFID applications is rising exponentially. SOS electronic has a new partner for UHF RFID products with a comprehensive product line and deep expertise in UHF RFID

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