MEC is one of the leading European manufacturers of high quality switches. Since its foundation in 1938/ Denmark, MEC has been making state-of-the-art electromechanical components.
Prodotti MEC nella nostra offerta
Rika Parve/ Inside Sales & Marketing Coordinator/ MEC
Throughout the years SOS electronic has proven to be a professional partner by having feet on the ground with the customers and promoting MEC switches through targeted marketing activities.
Perché MEC?
  • top quality PCB mount push button switches
  • wide possibilities of cap+switch combinations
  • dust and water resistant types available
  • flexible in custom solutions
Lo sapevi?
Mec is focusing on continuous innovation to maintain its position as leader in the segment of high end PCB mount push button switches. By always choosing the best possible solution, whether it is a design principle, a material or a manufacturing process, MEC maintains and improves its sustainable high quality level. With this approach a wealth of know-how has been built up over the years for the benefit of new product development and custom solutions. MEC is flexible in custom solutions also thanks to a complete in-house production including automation, tooling, moulding, stamping, graphics marking and custom assembly.
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Video del produttore MEC

About MEC

Aggiornato su server: 23.08.2019
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