Výsledky vyhľadávania vo videách pre kategóriu "Meracie prístroje"

Flir Ex series

Flir Ex series



ScopeRider RTH

ScopeRider RTH

Fluke connect

Fluke connect

Unique family of wirelessly connectable measuring devices offering user friendliness and high security.



FLIR announced the new TG130 Spot Thermal Camera that allows do-it-yourself homeowners and small business owners to quickly find and troubleshoot temperature-related issues around the house. Designed for seasonal home inspections and home repairs, the TG130 helps visually pinpoint temperature issues that can help reduce home energy costs.

FLIR Analyze Images

FLIR Analyze Images

This video demonstrates how to analyze images using FLIR Tools. You can make adjustments to the scale, color palette, and object parameters. With MSX images you can switch between the various Fusion modes. Temperature measurements can be made using a variety of tools, and you can add notes to the image.

FLIR C2 – compact and powerful thermal camera

FLIR C2 – compact and powerful thermal camera

R&S handheld oscilloscope RTH1000 series

R&S handheld oscilloscope RTH1000 series

5 instruments in 1 handheld package.

FLIR TG165 Imaging Thermometer

FLIR TG165 Imaging Thermometer

Tool with excellent price/ performance ratio suitable for many industry segments.

HAMEG HMO3000 series oscilloscopes

HAMEG HMO3000 series oscilloscopes

SOS webinar: The use of oscilloscopes in practice

SOS webinar: The use of oscilloscopes in practice

Webinar program: - What lies behind Rohde & Schwarz brand - Value Instruments - Application of oscilloscopes in practice

UT513 overview

UT513 overview

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