With the acquisition of the complete product- line HIRSCHMANN Test & Measurement by SKS-Kontakttechnik in 2006, the decenniums established branded products are being continued with professional competence an inventiveness.
Prodotti HIRSCHMANN-SKS nella nostra offerta
  • global company with extensive know-how and experience
  • widely used industrial standard products
  • top quality components
Lo sapevi?
1926 ended an idea in one of the 100 most significant patents of the German industry in 20th century. The invention of Richard Hirschmann had a deep influence on connection technology for all measuring and testing tasks of electronics in all fields of life since then. With the purchase of complete product range , we want to lead an direction signed idea of 20th century into the 21st century an develop it purposefully in the interest of our customers and together with them. The brand means for us an obligation to an ingenious inventor to your advantage.
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