SOS cinema

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

SOS webinar: Get your devices on web within few minutes

WIZ550web: - Webserver internals - how to use it for remote control - how to customize - show "unattackable" and performance in a comparison to a software Webserver WIZ550S2E: - show and introducing to usage - WizFi250 -wireless serial-to-ethernet module

Označte si tovary svojim názvom

Označte si tovary svojim názvom

Stalo so Vám, že ste mali zmätok v číselných označeniach tovarov? Alebo ste potrebovali spárovať Vašu databázu s našou databázou tovarov a nevedeli ste ako na to? Teraz sa Vám už nič z toho nestane.

FLIR TG165 Imaging Thermometer

FLIR TG165 Imaging Thermometer

Tool with excellent price/ performance ratio suitable for many industry segments.

SOS webinar: Real Time image Analysis and Physical Computing with UDOO

SOS webinar: Real Time image Analysis and Physical Computing with UDOO

Programme of webinar: - how to Use real time image analysis with OpenCv with UDOO - example of use in conjunction with the onboard Arduino processor to control motors accordingly. - Q&A

SOS webinar: How to effectively handle human machine interface in your applications

SOS webinar: How to effectively handle human machine interface in your applications

Displays LCD (mLCM, GUI TFT) OLED 2Embedded Systems (IPC, Car PC) Comprehensive solution Simplicity of using Q&A

FT801 video chip with capacitive touch screen support

FT801 video chip with capacitive touch screen support

DEMO overview of new FTDI "EVE" (embedded video engine) chip capabilities.

Bolymin BE635

Bolymin BE635

Intelligent embedded display module based on a PIC32 platform.

SOS webinar: Looking for a powerful platfom for your Linux applications

SOS webinar: Looking for a powerful platfom for your Linux applications

Programme of webinar: - General introduction to the UDOO Board - Hardware features - Main aspects regarding the creation of projects with it - main aspects of creating a Linux or Android project with UDOO boards - Examples - Q&A



The WunderBar Internet of Things WiFi & Bluetooth Sensor Starter Kit is a quick start development tool for software application developers unfamiliar with complex wireless hardware designing, and a complete open-source wireless hardware reference design.

electronica 2014 - create your own Mini-Twin

electronica 2014 - create your own Mini-Twin

Dremel Decorating Kit

Dremel Decorating Kit

Special edition of Dremel VersaTip 2000 gas soldering tool.

Weller WSD81i soldering station

Weller WSD81i soldering station

New professional station for use in assembling plants, development workshops and other demanding places.

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