Our offer according to the application: Connectors

Switchboard equipment, electrical wiring installations.

Our products offer (grouped by category)

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Our products offer (grouped by manufacturer)

PCB Terminal Blocks, Plug-in Connectors, Screwless Terminal Blocks and Plug-in Connectors, Panel Feed-Through Terminal Blocks, DIN-Rail Housings and Supports
Industrial Connectors HAN, DIN41612, Flat Cable IDC Connectors, D-Sub, Accessories
Industrial Connectors - Sensor Connectors (M8, M12), Valve Connectors (GDM), Circular Connectors, Supply Connectors
PCB and DIN-Rail Terminal Blocks, DIN-Rail Enclosures, Industrial Connectors
Terminal Blocks for PCB Mounting and DIN-Rail Mounting, Lightning Connectors, Junction Boxes
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