SEMIKRON, Germany-based company with over 3600 employees worldwide, is an internationally leading power semiconductor manufacturer, in the field of diode/thyristor semiconductor modules, with a 30% share of the worldwide market. SEMIKRON technology can be found in almost half the wind power installations operating worldwide today.
SEMIKRON products in our offer
  • leading power semiconductor manufacturer
  • over 60 years experience
  • very wide portfolio
  • solutions for virtually any power application
Did you know?
Semikron is a one-stop provider of chips, discrete semiconductors, transistor, diode and thyristor power modules, power assemblies and systems for markets such as industrial drives, wind and solar, hybrid and electric vehicles, the rail industry and power supplies. A global network of 35 companies with production plants in Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Slovakia, South Africa and USA guarantees fast and competent on-site customer care.
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